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March 24, 2020
Our Virtual UFO Meeting from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The situation isn't getting any better in our world. However, here's something that we need to be extremely thankful for. We have the internet, we have smart devices, we have EASY ways to stay in touch. We should NEVER take that for granted. Data limits have been waived. Imagine if we had to self-isolate and really, truly be "isolated".

Trust me, I'm not happy about it, but there's no sense worrying about any of it. It just means that I may, at last, have a chance to catch up (HA - HA - HA  - even I chuckle at ...

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February 18, 2020
UFO Day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Our UFO club is pretty simple. You signed up and paid some money. Each month you attend the meeting (or participate via e-mail) if you're too far away. You pick a UFO and you make a commitment (which I diligently record in my new book) and you better have the homework done for the following month.

We got off to a rocky start in January because of the weather. But we had great attendance this past month and NO money so far has gone to the kitty. Yikes - we might be having water and crackers for our lunch in ...

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November 1, 2019
UFO Homework from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

With all this decluttering and learning how my phone works, there was one aspect of my phone that hadn't been done. How to put my pictures in the cloud. Well - now they are in the cloud and off my phone. How did I do that? Well, there are a lot of Google apps that one must learn how to use. So after a gentle push from Ronda to make that happen, the photos are now floating in the cloud. What I need to do now is start deleting some of them. There are loads that I no longer need ...

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  • rosewood cottage
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